“Our vision is to see a community transformed by the impact of excellent education founded on the love of God. ”
Karubabi Harvest School is a private Christian School located on a beautiful hillside property in Muramvya. We welcome students from diverse backgrounds to participate in a holistic education for all levels: Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary (Technical and Trade School).
Their mission is to provide an excellent education based on the love of God, which encourages creativity, critical thinking and practical application for all; and to produce graduates with moral values capable of impacting the transformation of their communities.
HArvest Iniatives
Founded by Onesphore Manirakiza, Harvest Initiatives is an interdenominational movement which began in 2001 at the University of Burundi. What started with a small team of students is now a thriving organization with 25 teams planted across the country. Their dream is to see Burundi transformed by the impact of the church, thus making Burundi a light throughout Africa. After speaking with government officials in Muramvya about community needs, Harvest Initiatives was given a piece of land to start bringing assistance to the Batwa living in the area. This land is where Karubabi Harvest School was started.
The Batwa People
Making up around 1% of the population, The Batwa are the poorest and most marginalized people group in Burundi. Excluded from land-owning shares, they are often left to live on small hillside sites with steep sloping banks handed out by the government, where living conditions are cramped and the soil is usually infertile.
The daily life of the Batwa is a struggle for survival against the effects of extreme poverty, often working for a single meal a day in areas previously lacking access to clean water, sanitation, schooling or medical care.
Cornerstone's Partnership
Cornerstone’s partnership with Harvest Initiatives centers on the Batwa people of Karubabi, Muramvya. Harvest Initiatives is working with the Batwa community in the areas of housing, food security, health, education and spiritual health. Cornerstone contributes financially, and often sends teams to see and participate in the work in this community. Because of the holistic activities in the Batwa community, many Batwa have discovered the love of God. They have reported to the Harvest Workers that they previously thought God had forgotten about them and now know that he hasn’t.
What We Have Achieved So Far
Cornerstone has been blessed to be able to partner with Harvest and be a part of the following projects:
The Construction of New Homes
The Opening of a New School (Karubabi Harvest School)
Providing Meals for Kids who attend the School
Food Security and Agriculture Projects
Providing Livestock for Farmers
Providing Health Care and the Construction of a New Medical Clinic